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Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department

1.Brief History of LBVD

The history of veterinary service in Myanmar started with the page of animal health care service in the British Armed Force in English-Myanmar second war in 1870. In the British Armed Forced, the veterinary officers and other para-veterinary workers were taking care of war horses and mules used for transport troops.

According to the report of the epidemiology surveillance mission on a pandemic cow pox outbreak happened in India and Myanmar, the British Armed Force established the veterinary services department in 1874 for providing health care services for draught cattle.

As there were high population of draught cattle and buffalo in Myanmar, the veterinary service of the British military could not provide enough control measures for giving treatment for animal diseases. Since then, the veterinary school was established in 1876 and produced Burmese Veterinary Assistances. After showing these trained Burmese Veterinary Assistances as the high level of their sector, it was happened changing the “Veterinary Assistance Training School” established at British colonial period 1867 into “Veterinary College” from the pre-independence stage time 1947 until 1975 upgraded the duration of the training course from one-year-course to two-year-course. Since “Institute of Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Science” established at 24th September 1957 producing many veterinarians, “Veterinary College” was shut down after finishing the 21st batch of training course at the end of November 1975. According to the records, the Veterinary College has produced more than 1200 Veterinary Assistances and among them more than 800 served in the veterinary division.

The veterinary division was founded in 1898 and Colonel Evans from British Army was assigned as a first Director. After getting Independence of Myanmar and retiring British officials, James Baltercherjes (1948-1951), U Kyaing (1952-1953), U Saw HlaOo (1953-1954), U TunHlaing, (1954-1958) U TunAung (1958-1962), KyawZaw (1962-1963) and (1963-1975) served as Director.

Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department was established with the cooperation of the Veterinary Division and Animal Husbandry Division which is under the cooperation of arable land and rural area development with 1850 staff on 15 March 1972. In order to run all concerned processes of  livestock production to commercial level, it was deviated from Animal Husbandry and Veterinary Department and it was restructured as an isolated one with the name of Animal Husbandry Cooperation which was also known as Livestock, Feedstuffs and Milk Products Enterprise (LFME)) in April 1976. This department was renamed as Livestock, Breeding and Veterinary Department (LBVD) from the day that it was discharged from the supervision of Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and it was reorganized as a unique ministry known as Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries on 15 March 1983.

In accordance with the decision of 19/2007 Cabinet meeting of the State Peace and Development Council held on 28 June 2007, Apiculture department was merged under the management of LBVD and 423 total staffs including 82 officers and 341 other ranks from Apiculture department was instilled into LBVD and that department was re-established as 3715 total staffs including 490 officers and 3225 other ranks.

LFME was abolished and its structure instilled into the LBVD as Animal Husbandry Division in agreement with 7/2014 of Cabinet meeting held on 3 April 2014. All staffs from LFME, 156 numbers of total staffs including 56 officers and 100 other ranks was added into LBVD and its structure was amended as 4103 numbers of total staffs comprising 654 officers and 3449 other ranks. According to the decision of 5/2016 Cabinet Meeting of the Union Government held on 9 June 2016, Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department was reoriented with 978 officers, 3789 other ranks and the total number of staffs is 4767.


In line with SDG Goals, our visionsare to narrow down the gaps between urband and rural areas and to progresssubtainable development in livestock sector especially in rural area.

3.Goal and Objectives

(a) To be sufficient the domestic consumption and export the extra enough.

(b) To provide the draft cattle and buffaloes farming in line with the entail of agricultural sector.

(c) To find out and achieve the animal breeds that suitable to local circumstance of situation and climate in order to prevent the decimation and increase population.

(d) To support the economic status of rural area through small scale livestock farming development.

(e) To adjust the livestock production standard and quality in line with the standardization of neighboring countries.

(f) To encourage the calls of investments, and to support the investment providers to be a commercial production.

(g) To advance the activities of animal diseases prevention and controlling, and has to be animal in line with guideline of international organizations.

(h) To facilitate the socio-economic events concerning the livestock farming and to encourage the international relation.


  1. To promote all round development of the livestock sector.
  2. To implement the development of livestock census and statistics.
  3. To produce biologics for the protection of infectious diseases and undertaking disease control and animal health care.
  4. To promote fodder and pasture development.
  5. To undertake the artificial breeding work as a mean of livestock breeds improvement.
  6. To perform research, epidemiological and diagnostic activities for the development of livestock activities.
  7. To promote private enterprises together with model farms run by the department as well as at the village level through the extension services.
  8. Control of animal diseases through animal movement across border by establishing check points.
  9. Issuing of health certificate for the exportation and importation of animals and animal product by establishing animal quarantine station with facilities at parts of entry.
  10. To extend livestock activities in States and Divisions by livestock and fisheries development banking system.
  11. To encourage border area development through improved livestock farming.
  12. To undertake the modern livestock production through an establishment of model farms. 


  1. Land Use and Management Policy
  2. Input Policy
  3. Financial Policy
  4. Research, Development and  Extension Policy
  5. Marketing, Value Added Processing and Export Policy
  6. Governance, Institutional and Human Resource Development Policy
  7. Environmental Conservation and Climate Change Resilience Policy

6.Strategic Thrusts

  1. Emphasize the vacant land, fallow land and waste land to be conducted as livestock zone, and performing to increase the production of livestock and livestock products production, market access maintenance of natural pastures and cultivation of honey plants.

(b)     Cooperation and Coordination with mission-related departments in order to be able to utilize the land for livestock farming.

(c)      Undertaking to get the national/ international assistances, funds as well as investments and applying effectively for livestock sector development.

(d)     By cooperation with government and private organizations, it will be extensively undertaken to disseminate the technology and high breed animals suitable for local geographical situation to the livestock farmers. 

(e)      Encouraging the development of standardization for machines and livestock equipment.

(f)      Facilitating the private sector by encouraging small scale livestock owners.

(g)     Cooperating to get the livestock inputs such as breeds, feed and medicines with good quality and suitable price.

(h)     Undertaking to get the accurate data of animal population.

(i)      Upgrading and extensive establishment of laboratories for livestock Infrastructure development setting up the long term Plan for new-blooded experts of respective field in order to be able to fulfill the development of research works, technology and human resources.

(j)      Promoting to access the update information and teaching techniques for livestock development.

(k)      Enhancing and expanding the extension activities to follow the Good Animal Husbandry Practice.

(l)      Conducting the research works on high breed animals.

(m)    Encouraging the development of vale added product producing enterprises based on livestock products.

(n)     Applying the modern technology for increase production of good quality livestock products as well as high breed animals.

(o)     Supporting to get technology and fund for development of the value added products.

(p)     Coordinating with task-related departments in order to get the permit for transport and legal trade for Buffalo, Cattle, Sheep and Goat.

(q)     e-Government system will be applied to administer the entire sector encompassing livestock.

(r)      Dispatching the laboratories experts to local/ international trainings to upgrade the professional skill.

(s)      Setting up the long-term plans to train as the profession or experts in respective areas for the development of researches, technology and human resource development

(t)      Enhancing the public awareness extension for farmers to follow the GAHP system.

(u)     Conducting the training on livestock breeding and administration on beside of the training on Diploma of Veterinary Medicine.

(v)      There will be undertaken to encourage the ecological system and environmental conservation for sustainable livestock activities.

(w)     Designing GAHP system and undertaking to follow that GAHP system.

(x)      Supplying the food and medicine to rehabilitate the disaster affected areas.

7. Website Domain

8. Facebook Domain

LBVD Head Quarter facebook page