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Agricultural Mechanization Department

Agricultural Mechanization Department

(A) Background

Since 1921, in Myanmar, a section of Agricultural Engineering has been set up under the Department of Agriculture, and began testing and utilization of farm machineries such as mouldboard plough, seeder, rice transplanter, and water pump.

In 1949, the Tractor Machinery Installation Board was established under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and carried out Agricultural Mechanization service. In 1951, instead of the Tractor Machinery Installation Board, Agricultural Engineering Division was formed, and it was able to continue the reclamation of wild land using chain tractors and land preparation for farmer-owned fields on a charge. While attempting to do so, before Revolutionary Council Government in 1962, the total number of 514 units; 16 types of tractors were purchased and provided the Agriculture Division

On 2nd March 1962, when the Revolutionary Council Government started governing state administration, the Agricultural Mechanization Department was established in the Land and Rural Development Corporation under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in order to speed up the agricultural machinery installation, an "Agricultural Mechanization Project" was set up and implemented in September 1962.

According to the announcement No. 97 of the Revolutionary Council Government dated on 16th March 1972, the Agricultural Mechanization Project was separated from the Land and Rural Development Corporation under the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and plans were arranged and reorganized as the Agricultural Mechanization Department.

(B) Personnel

          As ofJuly 2020, AMD employed 348 officers and5460 other staff although it has an establishment of 501 officers and 11391 other staff according to the organization chart shown in the following figure.

AMD allocates Head Office in Nay Pyi Taw, 15 offices in Regions and States, 35 offices in Districts, 99 agricultural mechanization stations, 18 agricultural mechanization sub-stations,3 agricultural mechanization training centers, 1 farm machinery factory, 2 farm machinery research workshops, 4 upland reclamation projects, 2 depot stores, 10base and mediumrepair and maintenance workshops, 2 systematic farmland developmentbranches, 1 agricultural machinery testing center, and 2 departmental audit offices over the country.


(C) Vision

          From Conventional Farming to Mechanized Agriculture


          1.  To help support wholeheartedly for the socio-economic well-being of farmers by endeavoring to know their needs and problems arose from mechanized farming constraints.

          2.  To collaborate with farmersin transformation of conventional farming into mechanized one for the agriculture sector development with the establishment of AMD to be a government institution held in high esteem by farmers. 

(E) Strategic Thrust

For the development of agricultural mechanization initiatives, Academic Education and Vocational Education training centers will be established to offer official Certificates for properly completed relevant courses.
To encourage and support the development of standardization of machinery and equipment used in agriculture production activities.
To support large scale production and widespread use of relevant agricultural machinery and equipment, especially by smallholder farmers in their day to day works in agriculture activities with the aim of developing an agricultural mechanization system.

(F) Mission

          1.  To enhance custom hiring services for sustainable agricultural mechanization.

          2.  To collaborate with concerned farmers and private organizations for the improvement of custom hiring services in cooperative societies and private sector.

          3.  To support the development of suitable crop lands and upland farm area for mechanized farming system.

          4.  To promote utilization of farm machinery and equipment in farming activities.

          5.  To collaborate with private sector for instant provisions on required spare parts and systematic repair of farmer-owned farm machinery and equipment throughthe establishment of extended repair workshops at agricultural mechanization stations.

          6.  To undertake the improvement of dissemination of technical know-how on agricultural mechanization and research and development activities.

(G) Website >>>

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