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  • Applicant shall submit the application to the Township Officer of the Department of Agricultural Land Management and Statistics using with Land Record Form (103).
  • Applicant shall describe the facts of the land plot correctly that he (or) she wants to get copy.
  • Applicant shall describe the reason to get the copy of certified map and History of Holding(e.g for Registration of the deeds, for evidence in Court, for perimeter survey of land plot, etc)
  • If the applicant is owner of such land (or) relevant person of the land show the document satisfied on the ownership shall be attached and of the applicant is Agent, General Power of Attorney (or) Special Power of Attorney shall be attached.
  • The application of the Land for religious purposes that should be applied by the abbot (or) Executive Committee of the Monastery/ Pagoda/ Temple/ Church/ Mosque.
  • To get the copy of Dispute Land, the application should be attached with Final Decree or Order of the relevant Court.
  • The relevant surveyor and Inspector should be surveyed and field checking on the ground where the applicant apply to copy.
  • After field checking has been made and if it is the same as with the Departmental record and map, it shall be submitted to the Township DALMS Officer to get permit.
  • In order to permit copying the certified Map and History of holding, the applicant should pay specified fees in accordance with the rate that shown in Notification.
  • After one-third of truly copying fees has been paid to the Government, Land record form (105/106) shall be issued within 15 days to the applicant in accordance with the Departmental instructions.



Department of Agricultural Land Management and Statistics