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Issuance of Recommendation Letter to Custom Department for Export of Fishery Products

Necessary Documents

  1. Application Letter with Company Letter Head
  2. The company incorporation certificate (copy) which to be exported
  3. Export/import License (copy)
  4. Salt contract
  5. Invoice
  6. Packing List
  7. Export declaration (copy)


  1. Applicant submits the application letter with Company Letter Head signed by Managing Director or Director heading to Director General of Department of Fisheries.
  2. The Officer-in-Charge checks whether the submitted documents are complete or not.
  3. After signing by the officer–in–charge, the original is sent to Custom Department


Fees shall depend on the type of products and ton


1 day if the submitted documents are completed.

Place for submission

Department of Fisheries

Signing Status

Official instead of Director General


The plant which produced the fishery products must submit the Commitment letter that the fishery products are produced from the plant signing by the managing director or director or general manager.